What is medical intuition?

Medical intuition is a type of complementary and alternative medicine that involves a person tapping into their intuitive and psychic senses to gain insight into the energetic and physiological origins of illness and disease.

The practitioner can pick up on imbalances in a person’s energy field (aura), chakras, energy channels, physical organs and systems of the body as well as spiritual contracts and karmic patterns.

Although this practice is called medical intuition, the practitioner does not have to be a licensed medical professional and should therefore not be used as a substitute for medical care, treatment or diagnoses.

A medical intuitive session can, however, shed light on the mysterious energetic origins of symptoms or an illness and the more spiritual aspects of health and energy imbalances therefore offering a holistic view of a person’s mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

Some of the most well-known medical intuitives are Norman Shealy, Caroline Myss, Donna Eden, Louise Hay, Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, Tina Zion, and Cyndi Dale and each medical intuitive has their own approach depending on their psychic senses. Some examples include a clairvoyant reading of the physical body, some channel information from their guides, others feel energy in their body and receive energy that way, whereas others have a kind of map of the physical and energy bodies and take note of any imbalances that may be present.

When I do a medical intuitive session, I use a combination of my psychic senses to perceive energy and get my answers. I usually start out looking at the energetic and physical bodies clairvoyantly (visually seeing energy) in a systematic approach like a body map, and more often than not I find that the person’s body sort of talks to me and points out certain areas of the body or energetic body (chakras, aura, energy channels) that need my attention. I often receive information through my claircognizance in which I will just know with great certainty what’s going on with someone’s body and this often gets validated for me by sensations in my body like chills, faster heart rate or a gut feeling. So as you can see, I don’t use just one approach or one psychic sense. It’s a dynamic process and I just go with the flow and see what lights up.

Although I’ve developed these skills over the years, I do believe that everyone can tap into their own medical intuition. We’re all intuitive beings, it’s a matter of listening and trusting it. This can be done by listening to and trusting your own body communication which can show up as physical symptoms, gut intuition, mental image pictures or messages from your Higher Self.

Unfortunately, we’ve been taught to not trust our body communication and instead listen to outside sources like doctors or other health “experts”. We’ve all experienced when something feels off in our bodies, yet we either ignore it or are told that we’re “just fine.” Other things that can shut off our innate medical intuition are:

  • Being disconnected from your body or “out” of your body

  • Trusting someone else’s opinion over your own intuition and knowing

  • Fear which can make us feel ungrounded, unworthy, alone, afraid we’ll never feel whole again or fear of death

  • Preconceived notions that cloud your own judgment and truth.

If you’re still not convinced, there have been studies conducted that show that medical intuition can be an extremely accurate way to identify health issues. Cyndi Dale’s book The Subtle Energy Body explains in detail the science behind energy and various healing techniques. Either way you feel about medical intuition, I recommend you always go with your gut.


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