Why We Need Holistic Healthcare and Medical Intuition

One thing that’s become apparent to me throughout the years dealing with two pregnancies, one miscarriage, an autoimmune disease, and various digestive issues is the current medical model doesn’t support women and ignores their unique intuitive and mystical nature.

The current allopathic medical model that pervades through most of the world has become toxic over the years. It does not aim to prevent illnesses or sustain optimal health or treat chronic diseases, but rather treats acute conditions. Doctors have little time with their patients, often just a few minutes, and rarely take into account a person’s whole health history, story or energetic imbalances.

What I can’t tolerate is that most women are not heard or seen by their healthcare providers. What’s worse is that most women are not taught how their bodies work. All too often women’s symptoms are ignored by doctors, belittled and quickly handed a prescription that doesn’t address the root cause of her health issues.

I also cringe every time I hear a doctor who recommends outdated information or coerces female patients to take medication or undergo procedures that can have serious side effects without giving informed consent.

Moreover, women are cyclical in nature. We menstruate which means that our hormones are in constant flux unlike men. Women are ruled by the moon which is cyclical whereas men are ruled by the sun which is linear. Sun up, sun down. Not the case with the moon. It waxes and wanes, and women do far better off riding the tide of this energy that ebbs and flows rather than being all action all the time.

Did anyone ever teach us this in school? Unfortunately not.

My goal is to help women feel seen and heard and feel confident in their bodies so they can trust their own body wisdom and reconnect with their intuition without having to always rely on outside authorities for all their answers, especially doctors who belittle them.


We live in a hustle and bustle world that’s competitive and rewards burn out. As a result, many of us have become disconnected with ourselves- our bodies and our souls. Many women put themselves last and end up suffering from feeling depleted, unfulfilled, tired all the time, bloated, unsexy, anxious and un fulfilled.

Most medical professionals are unable to tackle complex cases or mysterious symptoms because they simply don’t have the time, training or intuitive insight to get a root cause resolution.

Most women are also not taught about what a healthy menstrual cycle is and that period pain and PMS are NOT normal.

The world needs holistically minded healers who take into consideration the whole person. One of the most powerful ways we can heal is through understanding how our unique body works and use food and re-balance our energy in order to be fulfilled as women. You can’t be fulfilled if your health is suffering.


I’ve always been told that I’m “too sensitive.” I suffered from various digestive issues ever since I was a child and no doctor could help me. They just said “I had a sensitive stomach” or gave me a prescription for antacids, which doesn’t address the root cause and has negative side effects. Changes in diet and lifestyle were never addressed, nor was my hyper sensitivity to energy that were contributing to my symptoms.

I later learned that my gut intuition is one of my strongest tools and that diet and lifestyle play a major role in physical health.

In my late teens and early 20s I then experienced irregular periods due to stress and poor nutrition. Yet again, doctors couldn’t address the root of my hormonal and nutritional imbalances and instead prescribed me the birth control pill, which is a band aid approach for any hormonal or period problems. These drugs do not address the root physical or energetic imbalances and have negative side effects that doctors rarely discuss with their patients, which is one of the reasons I’m a huge advocate for informed consent and educate my clients on how to make empowered and informed health decisions.

Later in my mid 20s I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, which apparently has no cure, and was prescribed more meds and was told to just deal with it with few alternatives or sympathy offered.

This all caused me to feel lost, apathetic and not myself until I serendipitously found a psychic school that taught me the tools to help me heal my energetic and physical bodies. I’ve since then worked on developing my unique medical intuitive and energy healing approach.

Through years of doing my own energy and healing work, introspection and scientific research, I started to uncover the root causes of my symptoms and have healed naturally.

Has my healing been linear? No.

Has my healing been “perfect”? Hell no.

Have I fully cured my autoimmune disease? No, but I feel whole and that’s what I consider to be the most important aspect of healing.


I haven’t followed the traditional path most nutritionists and health coaches take and have always been different. I’ve since learned that I cannot separate my science background and my intuitive nature in my work and it’s my strongest asset.

While I was doing my masters in nutrition and working in a lab, I realized that no one was taking into account the patient or their energetic imbalances. Part of me felt that I had to reject my intuitive side and focus solely on my science background and passion for research, yet I didn’t feel fulfilled or like I was being my authentic self. Part of me was missing- a big part.

On the other hand, I cannot ignore my scientific knowledge when I’m doing energy work with clients. It almost always comes up, and because I understand human physiology and nutrition, I often receive intuitive messages about a person’s health.

I’m highly intuitive but my work is also grounded in my scientific background and research. I can understand the complexity of human physiology but also can see and sense the energetic imbalances that can affect one’s health.

My medical intuition is grounded in knowledge about human physiology, the gut microbiome, and quantum biology which helps shed light on the physical and energetic origins of dis-ease. I’ve been developing my healing and intuitive senses for more than a decade and combine my unique abilities to perceive energy along with my scientific background to provide my clients with a grounded and holistic perspective. I have a master’s in health and nutrition, have studied human physiology intensely, and have published several peer-reviewed articles in reputable scientific journals about the gut microbiome.

I have since become passionate about healing holistically minded soulful women discovering the root causes of their physical and energetic imbalances so they can heal mind, body spirit to have a vital and meaningful life.


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