Energetic Boundaries

What are boundaries?

I think most people think of boundaries as either clear or imaginary lines that differentiate what’s “in” and what’s “out.”

Earlier in my energy healing training, I used to think of energetic and personal boundaries like thick brick walls: nothing can come in and nothing goes out. I thought they had to be like fortress walls around me in order for me to be protected.

My concept of boundaries has changed dramatically.

I don’t see boundaries as black or white, yes or no, good or bad anymore but rather as a much more fluid concept. They can be porous and permeable, and sometimes that provides the most protection.

I recently listened to a talk by Michael Sandburg, mystical teacher, host of the Inspire Nation podcast, and survivor of near-death experiences, who discussed how there really is no veil. Many mystics and spiritual teachers talk about “the veil”, which is a sort of imaginary boundary between the physical and spiritual world.

Sandler contests that our concept of “the veil” is an illusion. People are often overwhelmed so they put up energetic shields to protect themselves from all the negative inputs. As a result, they don't receive the messages they need to hear from Spirit, whether that’s their Higher Self, God, angels, spirit guides, or anything in between.

For example, I've seen how the fear that arose during the pandemic has created a lot of "shields" for people that have shut them down from receiving important divine messages that could help them see the bigger picture.

There are no sides to the veil. The veil is collective amnesia where we think we're alone, but in reality, our Higher Spirit, guides, angels, and Great Spirit are always present and supporting us on our journey here on Earth.

I believe when we work from our pure heart center and emanate divine love and light, we can create the most protective boundary because the darkness can’t get in when we emanate pure light.

We can also set our energetic boundaries to attract positive energies— it’s not just about keeping the “bad” out. This becomes a much more powerful way of working because we don’t get stuck in that dichotomy of “good” or “bad”.

How do you maintain healthy boundaries in your life, relationships, and auric fields?


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