The Crone Female Archetype

She is the Sage, Wise Woman and grandmother.

While she may not embody female sexuality like the other main female archetypes, but embodies the divine feminine. This is unfortunately the least respected female archetype due to society’s importance of beauty and youth above all else, but at her highest expression, she is what every woman strives to become.

The Crone, also called Wise Woman or Sage, has lived through all the other main female archetypes and therefore brings with her the “been there, done that” insight and life experience that younger women do not have. Although she represents winter and menopause, she is still creative and a valuable member of her community for her wisdom.

She also helps guide younger women in their lives, especially the Maiden and Mother yet isn’t tied down to pleasing anyone or taking care of her family like Maidens and Mothers are. She holds space for women to be and go through their messy process of growth and transformation.

She basically doesn’t give a crap what others think about her and has a strong sense of who she is as an eternal soul and woman. Think of Sophia from The Golden Girls.

Most important about this archetype is her connection to other spiritual realms, such as her vivid dreams and Higher Self, which brings about an understanding that death isn’t the end. She will bake you the best cookies, share with you stories that feed your soul, inspire you with her photos from her recent travels and guide you with her intuitive knowing.


Keywords: Intuitive, insightful, wise, confident, knowledge

Moon phase: New moon

Season: Winter

Menstrual cycle: Menstrual phase and menopause

Goddesses: Baba Yaga, Baubo, Hekate, XochiQuetzal

When in balance: She owns her psychic abilities, she is objective and not interested in being involved in petty drama, insightful, pursues knowledge, ages with grace, connected to the spiritual realm and most importantly, understands that death is not the end of spirit.

When out of balance: She has trouble transitioning into menopause, fears aging and death, believes she has not accomplished her goals in life, aloof, emotionally cold or harsh, depressed and closed off, embodies the wicked witch archetype

Similar archetypes: Wise Woman, Sage, midwife, grandmother, wicked witch

If you would like help healing your Mother archetype, you can book my Female Wellness Healing program. To learn more, click here.

Read my blog post about the Maiden, Mother and Enchantress archetypes.

Check out my blog post Working with your menstrual cycle for improved creativity and productivity here.


The Enchantress Female Archetype


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