The quantum nature of clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the art of clear seeing. It’s when we use our third eye capabilities to see mental image pictures, energies, colors, and sometimes future possibilities.

There is a quantum nature to clairvoyance and it’s tied to what quantum physicists call the Observer Effect.

The very act of seeing something, in this case we’re talking about mental images, we can influence the outcome for ourselves and other people by affecting the behavior of particles (which we can think of as matter). We’re basically opening up to new possibilities. 

This also ties into the Multiverse theory in which there are branching timelines of reality. If we can see it, it exists on some level or plane of reality.

There is immense healing potential in just reading an image clairvaoyantly. For a long time I thought of clairvoyance as more of a useful tool to get answers and information, and I would resort to other techniques for energy healing. 

The more I read for people, the more I’m realizing I often am looking at new potentials for them and I’m opening up new energetic doors.

What images are you seeing lately? Do you like them? If not, you can change them and create new ones that you like more! 


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